Saturday, November 11, 2006

Frustrated muttering

Looks like winter forgot to turn off the stove and moved out after only two or three days of snow. Autumn is back with all its glory, i.e. a whole day of calming, wetting, unstoppable rain. The temperatures are up to 5-10 degrees Celsius, which for Swedish November is like a sauna. Hm... it does not look like I have something interesting to say today. Oh, there is one:

My cousin pursues a master degree in Computer sciences. Well, not exactly Master of Science, because Swedish degree system is something of a hybrid between the normal Bachelor and Master degrees. Usually, you become a Bachelor after three years of full-time studies and a Master of Science after two more years, or five years in total. Swedes become "Magister" after four years of study and in English that is translated as... Master of Science. So, the guy is going after a "Magister " degree, but that is still a Master in the rest of the world. Not a normal Master but still a Master. Like.. ah, forget it. In his studies he learns about all kinds of strange logic constructs, higher mathematics, protocols, computer languages and so on. Right now he has to do a paper on something called IPv6.. I think that is the correct spelling. From what I could understand from his frustrated muttering, this is a broadly used Internet access and/or security protocol. The whole Uppsala university uses it. No, not the whole. ONE department has not yet upgraded to the v6 protocol and uses older versions. Who is that, you will ask. Simple: the Department of Internet Technologies. Figures. Furthermore, they are the only department that has hard-copy course evaluation forms only. All the other faculties and departments have switched to web-based evaluation forms - much easier to process. The irony is... well.. iron.

I have to go back to studying now. Microbial genetics is very interesting, but the course book is a lethal weapon - 500 pages in hardcover. Moreover, I am starting a literature project which is going to be a secret now but I promise I will let you on some sneak peeks later on. Toodle-pip!

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